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2024 Korean Class Student Presentation Contest
  • Announcement
  • Friday, January 19, 2024
2024 Korean Class Student Presentation Contest

Korean Education Center in Los Angeles & Jeollanamdo Office of Education


2024 Korean Class Student

The Korean Culture I Love Presentation Contest

1. Topic: The Korean Culture I Love


2. Eligibility:

- Middle and high school students enrolled in Korean classes or Korean culture classes

- If you attended school in Korea, you must have attended school in the United States for at least four years.     

- Korean class / Korean culture class teacher must submit a recommendation form for the student through the teacher's Google form.


3. Required Documents:

- Teacher's Recommendation Form (Due by 5/13)

(Teacher must submit by teacher's Google form

- Presentation Script (Due by 5/13)

(Student must submit by student Google form

- Candidates who pass the script evaluation must submit a presentation material by 6/10 in PowerPoint, Google Slide, or PDF format.


4. Award Category:

- Hangul Grand Award (1st): $1,000 Scholarship + Certificate of Student Interpreter

- King Sejong Award (2nd): $500 Scholarship + Certificate of Student Interpreter

- Hunminjungeum Award (3rd): $300 Scholarship + Certificate of Student Ambassador for Korean Culture

- Winners will be given the opportunity to serve as interpreters and public relations ambassadors at KECLA-hosted and sponsored events.


5. Selection Process and Review Criteria:


(1st Review: Script Evaluation 50 pts)

- Presentation script

(Student must submit by student Google form  

- Teacher's recommendation form (Korean class grade, number of years taken Korean class)

(Teacher must submit by teacher's Google form

- Review criteria: originality, clear reason, strong support, and overall writing 


(Final Review: Presentation Evaluation 50 pts) 6/15 SAT 1 PM – 4 PM at KECLA

- 5 min presentation promoting the Korean culture you love

- Presentation material format: PowerPoint, Google Slide, PDF (only those who pass the first round must submit  by 6/10)

- Review criteria: content & composition, speech delivery & accuracy, attitude, ratio of Korean used

- After the last presentation, the evaluation scores will be tallied, and the evaluation results will be announced


6. Deadlines and Schedule:

- May 13 (Mon): application & script deadline

- May 31 (Fri): Script review result announcement  

- June 10 (Mon): Candidates presentation material submission (PowerPoint, Google Slide, PDF)

- June 15 (Sat): Presentation review and awards (at KECLA)  


7. Questions: (213) 386-3112


How to Prepare for the Contest


Topic: The Korean Culture I Love


Contest Process:

(1st Review – Script Evaluation 50 pts)

- Write a presentation script introducing and promoting the Korean culture you love. (modern, traditional, place, person, etc.)

- Two pages, Times New Roman, font size 12

- Write in Korean or English

- You can hand-write the Korean part if you do not know how to type in Korean.

- If you hand-write it, please scan and upload it as a PDF file.

- Save your script as: First Name_Last Name_School

- Submit by 5/13 (Mon)

Student Application Form

Teacher's Recommendation Form

- Review criteria: originality, clear reason, strong support, and overall writing


(Final Review  – Presentation Evaluation 50 pts)

6/15 Sat 1 PM – 4 PM @ KECLA

Presentation material:

- Those who pass the first round must submit a presentation material by 6/10.

- Presentation material format: PowerPoint, Google Slide, PDF

- All the participants must use the KECLA device. Therefore, please refrain from using effects and animation.

- Save your presentation as: First Name_Last Name_School

- Submit to:  


Contest Format:

- 5 min Presentation (Cannot exceed 7 min, including preparation and exit.)  

- Introduce and promote the Korean culture you love as if you are explaining it to people without knowledge of Korean culture.

- Present in English or Korean (Extra points applied depending on the ratio of Korean used.)

- You can use costumes and props.  

- Review criteria: content & composition, speech delivery & accuracy, attitude, ratio of Korean used

- After the last presentation, the evaluation scores will be tallied, and the evaluation results will be announced.

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