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2025 Korean American Day Shorts Contest
  • Announcement
  • Saturday, October 12, 2024

In Celebration of Korean American Day on January 13th, the Korean Education Center in LA (KECLA) is holding '2025 Korean American Day Shorts Contest' as follows:


- Contestants: K-5th Grade, 6-12th Grade, and Undergraduate (Individual or Team)  (※ Team must be comprised of members from the same age group category and less than four)

- Topic: ‘Make your own K-dictionary’ (Shorts video inspired by the beautiful and lovely Korean language, including Korean idioms, proverbs, onomatopoeia and mimetic words, newly coined words, buzzwords, etc.)

- TypeShorts video less than 59 seconds

- Submission: All three of the following procedures must be completed: ① Upload your video to a social media platform (e.g., YouTube, Instagram, X, Facebook, etc.) with the hashtags ‘#KECLA’ and ‘#2025KOREANAMERICANDAY’, ② Submit an application via Google Form (CLICK HERE), ③ Visit the YouTube channel of KECLA (CLICK HERE) and leave a comment ‘Participation Completed’ on the contest promotional post 

- DeadlineDecember 2, 2024 (Mon)

- Winner AnnouncementDecember 20, 2024 (Fri), KECLA website (

- AwardsGrand Prize $1,000, Gold Prize $500, Silver Prize $300, Honorable Mention $50

- Award Ceremony: Scheduled for January 13, 2025 (Mon)

- Contact: (E-mail), (Tel) 213-386-3112


Please note that the first place winner receives a $1,000 scholarship! Thank you for your attention.  

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